
In Santiago of Chile, from July 8-15, 1956, the Congress of Philosophy is held. The only European philosophers participating in the Congress are the professors Ugo Spirito and Cornelio Fabro, who have merited applause and praise. The most eloquent of the comments is the Communication of the Italian Embassy at Santiago, transmitted to the Minister of Public Education in Rome, of which we cite large excerpts:

“In the work of the International Congress of Philosophy, which as is known, was held in Santiago from the 8th to the 15th of the current month, the professors Ugo Spirito, of the University of Rome, and Cornelio Fabro, of the University of Milan, participated—following a special invitation of the organizing committee, which assumed all the costs. The two aforementioned professors, the only European philosophers present at the event, presented their accounts in a plenary session and actively participated in the work of the various commissions, raising a lively interest with their speeches, and proving themselves to be the most vigorous philosophical personalities of the congress. Moreover, in the course of the closing session, Prof. Spirito spoke in the name of the foreign participants, while Prof. Fabro held, on the 16th, a celebrated conference on “Christian Existentialism” on the Catholic University premises and in the presence of the academic authorities and of numerous public. During their presence in Santiago, the professors Spirito and Fabro have been the object of great attention on the part of the Chilean intellectual circles and of the Italian community.”